Rentals synchronization

  1. Preface
  2. Getting Basic Rental Information
  3. Fetching Rental Availabilities
  4. Understanding availabilities
  5. Fetching Rental Prices
  6. Filtering Rentals by Price


After successfully onboarding accounts, you can initiate the process to import their rentals into your system.

Getting Basic Rental Information

For detailed specifications and endpoint details, refer to the Swagger documentation

Recommendation: We advise refreshing rental base information once a day

Code Examples


curl -X GET \
  "$API_URL/api/ota/v1/rentals?page[number]=1&page[size]=50&filter[account-id]=$ACCOUNT_ID" \
  -H "User-Agent: API Client" \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.api+json" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
token = "YOUR_TOKEN"
api_url = "API_URL"
media_type = "application/vnd.api+json"
options = {
  headers: {
    "User-Agent" => "Api client",
    "Accept" => media_type,
    "Content-Type" => media_type,
    "Authorization" => "Bearer #{token}"

Account.approved.each do |account|
  page_number = 1
  while true do
    request =, "/api/ota/v1/rentals?page[number]=#{page_number}&page[size]=50&filter[account-id]=#{}").to_s, options)

    response = request.request({ method: :get })
    json = JSON.parse(response.body)
    json["data"].each do |rental|
      # Import rental

    break if page_number >= json["meta"]["pagination"]["pages"].to_i
import requests
import json

token = "YOUR_TOKEN"
api_url = "API_URL"
media_type = "application/vnd.api+json"
headers = {
    "User-Agent": "Api client",
    "Accept": media_type,
    "Content-Type": media_type,
    "Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"

# Assuming you have a function to get approved accounts: get_approved_accounts()
approved_accounts = get_approved_accounts()

for account in approved_accounts:
    page_number = 1
    while True:
        url = f"{api_url}/api/ota/v1/rentals?page[number]={page_number}&page[size]=50&filter[account-id]={account['id']}"
        response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
        data = json.loads(response.text)

        for rental in data["data"]:
            # Import rental

        if page_number >= data["meta"]["pagination"]["pages"]:

        page_number += 1
import okhttp3.*;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONObject;


public class AccountSynchronization {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String token = "YOUR_TOKEN";
        String api_url = "API_URL";
        MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/vnd.api+json");

        OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

        // Assuming you have a function to retrieve approved account IDs: getApprovedAccountIds()
        JSONArray approvedAccountIds = getApprovedAccountIds();

        for (int i = 0; i < approvedAccountIds.length(); i++) {
            int accountId = approvedAccountIds.getInt(i);
            int pageNumber = 1;
            while (true) {
                String url = api_url + "/api/ota/v1/rentals?page[number]=" + pageNumber + "&page[size]=50&filter[account-id]=" + accountId;

                Request request = new Request.Builder()
                        .addHeader("User-Agent", "API Client")
                        .addHeader("Accept", mediaType.toString())
                        .addHeader("Content-Type", mediaType.toString())
                        .addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token)

                try {
                    Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
                    JSONObject data = new JSONObject(response.body().string());

                    JSONArray rentals = data.getJSONArray("data");
                    for (int j = 0; j < rentals.length(); j++) {
                        // Import rental

                    if (pageNumber >= data.getJSONObject("meta").getJSONObject("pagination").getInt("pages")) {

                } catch (IOException e) {

    // Define your functions here:
    private static JSONArray getApprovedAccountIds() {
        // Implement your logic to get approved account IDs
        return new JSONArray();

    private static void importRental(JSONObject rental) {
        // Implement your logic to import rentals

Note:: By default, we do not include rentals that are not instantly bookable in the API response, but we can include them upon request.

Fetching Rental Availabilities

Availability is a just a rental field (see Rental Schema). But it makes sense to sync availabilities more often than other information.

Recommendation: We suggest refreshing rental availabilities every hour.

To optimize the retrieval process, it’s recommended to use the fields parameter when fetching rental data. By specifying fields[rentals]=availability, you can streamline the API response to include only the necessary availability information, improving efficiency.

Code Examples


curl -X GET \
  "$API_URL/api/ota/v1/rentals?page[number]=1&page[size]=50&filter[account-id]=$ACCOUNT_ID&fields[rentals]=availability" \
  -H "User-Agent: API Client" \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.api+json" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
token = "YOUR_TOKEN"
api_url = "API_URL"
media_type = "application/vnd.api+json"
options = {
  headers: {
    "User-Agent" => "Api client",
    "Accept" => media_type,
    "Content-Type" => media_type,
    "Authorization" => "Bearer #{token}"

Account.approved.each do |account|
  account_rentals_ids = Rental.for_account(account).pluck(:id)
  page_number = 1

  while true do
    request =, "/api/ota/v1/rentals?page[number]=#{page_number}&page[size]=50&filter[account-id]=#{}&fields[rentals]=availability").to_s, options)

    response = request.request({ method: :get })
    json = JSON.parse(response.body)
    json["data"].each do |rental|

    account_rentals_ids -= json["data"].pluck("id").map(&:to_i)
    break if page_number >= json["meta"]["pagination"]["pages"].to_i
import requests
import json

token = "YOUR_TOKEN"
api_url = "API_URL"
media_type = "application/vnd.api+json"
headers = {
    "User-Agent": "Api client",
    "Accept": media_type,
    "Content-Type": media_type,
    "Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"

# Assuming you have a function to get approved accounts: get_approved_accounts()
approved_accounts = get_approved_accounts()

for account in approved_accounts:
    # Assuming you have a function to get rentals for account: get_rentals_for_account(account)
    account_rentals_ids = get_rentals_for_account(account)
    page_number = 1
    while True:
        url = f"{api_url}/api/ota/v1/rentals?page[number]={page_number}&page[size]=50&filter[account-id]={account['id']}&fields[rentals]=availability"
        response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
        data = json.loads(response.text)

        for rental in data["data"]:
            # Assuming you have a function to update rental availability: update_rental_availability(rental)

        account_rentals_ids -= [rental['id'] for rental in data["data"]]
        if page_number >= data["meta"]["pagination"]["pages"]:

        page_number += 1

    # Assuming you have a function to disable rentals: disable_rentals(account_rentals_ids)
import okhttp3.*;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONObject;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class AccountSynchronization {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String token = "YOUR_TOKEN";
        String api_url = "API_URL";
        MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/vnd.api+json");

        OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

        // Assuming you have a function to retrieve approved account IDs: getApprovedAccountIds()
        List<Integer> approvedAccountIds = getApprovedAccountIds();

        for (int accountId : approvedAccountIds) {
            // Assuming you have a function to get rentals for account: getRentalsForAccount(accountId)
            List<Integer> accountRentalsIds = getRentalsForAccount(accountId);
            int pageNumber = 1;
            while (true) {
                String url = api_url + "/api/ota/v1/rentals?page[number]=" + pageNumber + "&page[size]=50&filter[account-id]=" + accountId + "&fields[rentals]=availability";

                Request request = new Request.Builder()
                        .addHeader("User-Agent", "API Client")
                        .addHeader("Accept", mediaType.toString())
                        .addHeader("Content-Type", mediaType.toString())
                        .addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token)

                try {
                    Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
                    JSONObject data = new JSONObject(response.body().string());

                    JSONArray rentals = data.getJSONArray("data");
                    for (int j = 0; j < rentals.length(); j++) {
                        // Assuming you have a function to update rental availability: updateRentalAvailability(rental)

                    if (pageNumber >= data.getJSONObject("meta").getJSONObject("pagination").getInt("pages")) {

                } catch (IOException e) {

            // Assuming you have a function to disable rentals: disableRentals(accountRentalsIds)

    // Define your functions here:
    private static List<Integer> getApprovedAccountIds() {
        // Implement your logic to get approved account IDs
        return new ArrayList<>();

    private static List<Integer> getRentalsForAccount(int accountId) {
        // Implement your logic to get rentals for account
        return new ArrayList<>();

    private static void updateRentalAvailability(JSONObject rental) {
        // Implement your logic to update rental availability

    private static void disableRentals(List<Integer> rentalIds) {
        // Implement your logic to disable rentals

Understanding availabilities

The regular availability object consists of a map field, which contains statuses for the next 1096 days starting from the start-date. A status of ‘0’ indicates availability, while ‘1’ indicates unavailability.

  "map": "0001111111111111111111111111100111111111111111110000000001111111111111111111111111111111111111111000001111111100111111100011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "start-date": "2023-07-01",
  "id": "2"

Scope for ActiveRecord rental model could look like (assuming you are using Postgres and named availability[map] as availability_map and availability[start_date] as availability_start_date):

Code Examples

scope :by_availabilities, ->(date, length) {
    unavailable_status = '1'
    start_point = "DATE_PART('day', TIMESTAMP :date - availability_start_date)::integer+1"
    availability_to_check_sql = "SUBSTR(availability_map, #{start_point}, :length_of_stay)"
    where("#{availability_to_check_sql} NOT SIMILAR TO :check_statuses", date: date, length_of_stay: length, check_statuses: unavailable_status)
FROM rentals r
            DATE_PART('day', TIMESTAMP '2023-07-01' - r.availability_start_date)::integer + 1,

-- `2023-07-01` - is a sample start date, `7` is a sample length of stay.

Fetching Rental Prices

Before we start, please read an article Understanding LOS Records. It explains what is LOS records and how it works. We generate LOS records for the next 18 months, starting from yesterday.

Attention! /los-records is for debugging purposes only! Please don’t use it in production mode!

To fetch rental prices, it is recommended to use /api/ota/v1/los-record-export-urls endpoint. This endpoint provides CSV files containing LOS records for rentals. CSV files look like:


There are 3 kinds of LOS records (LOS kinds):

  1. rental_price - Price for the rent only, after all discounts applied.
  2. rental_price_before_special_offers - Price for the rent only, before special offers discounts being applied.
  3. final_price - Price including all required fees and taxes.

We strongly advise using the LOS final_price. Although this might lead to a discrepancy between the search_price and the booking_price, such variance is permissible within our system. We anticipate that the booking_price will not be lower than that stated in the quote request; however, it might be higher.

To avoid any such price discrepancy, you have the option to utilize the rental_price and apply all fees and taxes on your end. For an in-depth understanding of handling fees and taxes, please refer to our comprehensive guides on Fees & Services and Applying a New Tax.

Note: We update LOS files every 12 hours.

Filtering Rentals by Price

To effectively filter rentals by price, consider creating a table for LOS records and importing prices from CSV files into this table. We suggest the following table structure:

CREATE TABLE public.los_records (
    id uuid DEFAULT public.gen_random_uuid() NOT NULL,
    smily_id bigint NOT NULL,
    day date NOT NULL,
    min_occupancy integer,
    max_occupancy integer,
    smily_rental_id bigint NOT NULL,
    rates numeric[] DEFAULT '{}'::numeric[],
    kind character varying,
    smily_account_id bigint

Filtering LOS records

SELECT * FROM los_records
  (min_occupancy = 1 OR (max_occupancy >= :occupancy AND min_occupancy <= :occupancy))
  AND day = :date
  AND rates -> :length IS NOT NULL
    (rates -> :length >= :min_price OR :min_price IS NULL)
    (rates -> :length <= :max_price OR :max_price IS NULL)
class LosRecord < ApplicationRecord
  # Helper scopes
  scope :by_occupancy, -> (occupancy) {
    occupancy.to_i > 0 ? where("max_occupancy >= ? AND min_occupancy <= ?", occupancy, occupancy) : by_default
  scope :by_default, -> { where(min_occupancy: 1) }
  scope :by_date, -> (date) { where(day: date) }
  scope :possible_to_stay_for, -> (length) { where("rates[:length] IS NOT NULL", length: length) }
  scope :by_min_max_price, -> (length, min_price, max_price) {
    by_min_price(length, min_price).by_max_price(length, max_price)
  scope :by_min_price, -> (length, min_price) {
    if min_price.present?
      where("rates[:length] >= :min_price", length: length, min_price: min_price)
  scope :by_max_price, -> (length, max_price) {
    if max_price.present?
      where("rates[:length] <= :max_price", length: length, max_price: max_price)
  # The main search scope
  scope :by_occupancy_date_rate_price, ->(occupancy, date, length, min_price, max_price, los_kind = nil) {
    scope = by_occupancy(occupancy).by_date(date)
    scope = scope.by_kind(los_kind) if los_kind.present?
      .by_min_max_price(length, min_price, max_price)

  scope :by_availabilities, ->(date, length) {
    unavailable_status = '1'
    start_point = "DATE_PART('day', TIMESTAMP :date - availability_start_date)::integer+1"
    availability_to_check_sql = "SUBSTR(availability_map, #{start_point}, :length_of_stay)"
    where("#{availability_to_check_sql} NOT SIMILAR TO :check_statuses", date: date, length_of_stay: length, check_statuses: unavailable_status)

# In controller you can use this scope to filter rentals (`by_availabilities` scope was described above):
@rentals = Rental.by_availabilities(params[:date], params[:length])
@rentals = @rentals
  .merge(LosRecord.by_occupancy_date_rate_price(params[:occupancy], params[:date], params[:length], params[:min_price], params[:max_price]))